Mitra Felfeli

Mitra Felfeli

Understanding the Role of Nutrition in Dementia Care

Understanding the Role of Nutrition in Dementia Care

Dementia is a progressive neurological condition characterized by a decline in cognitive function. It affects memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language, and judgment. As dementia progresses, individuals may also experience behavioral and psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety,…

12 Tips When Someone You Love is Dying

12 Tips When Someone You Love is Dying

Loving someone through their final moments is an emotional journey that demands strength, compassion, and resilience. In this article, we’ll explore essential tips on navigating this challenging period with grace and understanding. Understanding the Emotional Impact Dealing with an impending…

What Are the 4 Stages of Pneumonia?


Introduction to Pneumonia Pneumonia, a common respiratory infection, can be a serious health concern, especially if left untreated or undiagnosed. It is crucial to understand its various stages to identify and address this condition effectively. In this article, we’ll delve…

Activities for Veterans with Dementia

Activities for Veterans with Dementia

Understanding Dementia and Its Impact on Veterans Dementia is a difficult disorder that affects millions of people globally. Veterans, in particular, frequently confront specific obstacles as a result of their service-related experiences. Dementia may be a lonely and perplexing journey,…

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